This week’s Parsha Preview is co-dedicated to the refuah of Menachem Mendel Ben Faigie Ruchel, Moshe Avraham Ben Chaya Freidel, Gilon Chaim ben Yonit, Ofek Ben Tali, Shimon Ben Miriam, Avraham Moshe Ben Miriam Tova, Baruch Kalman ben Leiben Jacobs, Simcha Bat Mazel, Shmuel Baruch ben Golda, Sara Bat Hodda, Kyla Chaya Bat Sarah Polson, Leiba Bat Devorah Esther, Tova Rochel Bat Chaya, Yocheved Yaakovite bat Leah, Ita Tzipa bat Dveyra Basha, and Sorah Rivka bat Yehudis may Hashem grant them all a speedy recovery and a complete healing.
Once again, you can have this Parshah Preview dedicated in honour or memory of a loved one, you can ask for a refuah or simply acknowledge a milestone. It does not cost a thing all you have to do is ask. Please update me on the people who we are davening and learning for.
This week’s Parsha Preview is dedicated in memory of the Yartzheit of my Grandmother Alia Bat Yaakov.
I will be sponsoring Kiddush in memory of my Grandmothers Yartzheit and Rabbi Skobac will be speaking this Shabbat at the Kiddush. All are welcome to come!!!!! Rabbi Skobac should start around 12:15.
My dad will be reading the Torah portion once again!!!!!!!
So come and join us on Shabbat Mornings we start davening at 9:45 A.M.
The learning Minyan is located at 3683 Bathurst Street two blocks south of Wilson at Joicey and Bathurst next to Sue’s Fruit market. The Minyan takes place in The Nachal Yisroel Centre.
All are welcome Men and Women.
Join my blog @
Happy Birthday to my friends who will celebrate Birthday’s this coming week:
Happy Birthday to:
Yitzchak Gabay
Joel Kleinberg
“Ad Meyah Vesrim Shannah”
Parshah Balak - Numbers 22:2-25:9
Torah Reading for Week of June 20-26, 2010 - Tammuz 8-14 5770 Candle Lighting in Toronto 8:45 P.M.
Candle Lighting in Thornhill 8:45 P.M.
Number Of Mitzvot in Parsha Balak: 0
0 Mitzvot Aseh (Positive Commandments)
0 Mitzvot Lo Taaseh (Negative Commandments-Prohibitions)
Haftorah:(Additional portion, from Prophets, which is read after the Parsha)
Micah 5:6 - 6:8
Tuesday, June 29, is Shiva Asar B’Tamuz, 17 Tamuz, a Public Fast Day, the beginning of the Three Weeks.
Parsha Summary
Parshat Balak begins with King Balak’s offer to Bilam the Prophet to curse the Jewish people and G-d’s refusal to allow him to accept. Balak sent a second negotiating team and Bilam was given permission to go. However, G-d stipulated that Bilam could only speak the word of G-d.
Along the way the incident with the talking donkey occurred, emphasizing G-d’s instructions to that Bilam only deliver the word of G-d.
Bilam attempted his first curse and was unable to do so. Instead, the words he spoke were a blessing for the Jewish people. Bilam made his second attempt at cursing the Jews and was again unable to do so. Instead, he issued his second blessing. Billam attempted his final curse but again blessed the Jews. As he left in disgrace, Bilam told the assembled coalition of kings of their eventual destruction by the Jews. As a parting shot against the Jews, he advised them to seduce the Jewish men with Midianite women and bring G-d’s wrath down upon the nation. The Parsha concludes with the incident of Baal-Peor and Pinchas’s heroism.
Haftorah Summay- Balak
Michah 5:6 - 6:8
This week’s Haftorah is from Micha. Micha prophesized around the year 3200 during the reigns of Achaz and Chizkiah. The prophecy in this selection relates to the period prior to the war of Gog and Magog and the coming of Mashiach.
The nations of the world will have assembled against Israel, and the Jews will know that their salvation can only come from G-d. G-d’s power will be revealed to everyone and a time of peace and tranquility will envelop humanity. Armies and defenses will no longer be necessary to protect the Jews and the nation’s war machinery will be disassembled.
Micha was then commanded to chastise his generation for violating G-d’s will, despite all the goodness He had bestowed upon them.
In the final verses of the Haftorah, the prophet tells the nation that true atonement can only be attained through change and action. The ceremonious aspects of devotion, such as sacrifice and prayer, will not accomplish forgiveness. Justice, loving kindness, modesty, humility, and active change are the services that G-d desires.
The connection to our Parsha is the mention of Balak and Billam as examples of G-d?s caring and protection for the Jewish people. The story of Parshas Balak involved G-d protecting us from our enemies even when we were totally unaware of their insidious conspiracies and intentions. Prior to the coming of Mashiach, the Jews will realize that their safety is dependent upon G-d and G-d alone, just as the Jews in the desert were totally dependent upon G-d’s continuous protection and intervention.
Operation Balak
“Mah tovu ohalecha, Yaakov / mishk’notecha, Yisrael”
World cup soccer has taken Toronto by storm……Have you noticed all the flags…..Brazilian, Chilean, English, and French. Even Israeli and Canadian flags and they are not even competing. Flags displayed on vehicles, in shops and I even noticed several individuals who painted themselves with the colours of their countries.
What is it about flags that stir patriotic feeling?
Are flags a Jewish thing?
Let’s rewind to the Jews encamped in the desert. Bilaam is perched up on the mountain top, the sun is ebbing over the horizon. The hot desert wind blowing across the Jewish encampment. Billaam is caught up in his thoughts preparing to curse the children of G-d. Trying to think of words that will decimate the Jewish people. The following words trickle from his mouth “Mah tovu ohalecha, Yaakov / mishk’notecha, Yisrael”, “How fair are your tents, Yaakov / Your dwellings, Israel”; 24:5
This is the curse that was uttered on that fateful day.
What kind of curse is this? Further why would the Anshei Knesset Hagedolah some thousand years later adopt this “phrase” to open our daily teffilot?
In this weeks parsha Hashem warns Bilaam not to curse the Jewish people, in fact whatever curse is uttered will ultimately bring about blessing. So this clears up the issue of Bilaam’s attempted curse.
Why would the Anshei Knesset Hagadol knowing the context of Bilaam’s curse use it to open our daily teffilot? They could have used many different passages, keeping in mind that the still had Prophecy to guide them in the selection of teffilot.
To answer this question we need to revisit with Bilaam on that day of infamy.
Perched up on the mountaintop looking down on the Jewish encampment of Israel what is it that Bilaam saw to cause him to utter these words. Yes Hashem changed his curse to a blessing and yes Hashem caused him to utter these words, however, Bilaam was an active participant to this event.
What did Bilaam see to cause him to think these thoughts?
As Bilaam gazed upon the camp he noticed a peculiar sight. The flags outlining the different tribes flapping in the wind and the openings to the tents were facing the opposite way. So that one neighbor could not see into each others tent and provide the necessary level of modesty.
Bilaam thought to himself, these people have to be special, encamped in the desert, enemies surrounding them on all sides, the possibility of attack from the enemy imminent and these people are more concerned with modesty than protection “Mah tovu ohalecha, Yaakov / mishk’notecha, Yisrael”.
Some 5700 years later During the chaotic period of the founding of Israel in 1948, Operation Balak, was the name given to the operation that smuggled arms purchased in Europe to the Haganah , avoiding various embargoes and boycotts. Of particular note was the delivery of 23 Czechoslovakia-made Avia S-199 fighters. So you never know when words offered in a curse can come back at you. Some food for thought Helen Thomas.
This Parshah Preview is sponsored by Cars And Trucks 4 Less, Sales, Leasing and Financing. If you are in the market for a New or Used Vehicle give us a call “we will steer you in the right direction”. Please call 416-829-1461.
If you would like your company or service listed here please do not hesitate to ask. I do not take a fee for this. It is very important for us to support and promote local Jewish businesses. We spend so much time looking for the best deal possible that we lose sight of obligation to support our “brothers”. It’s forbidden to give business to others; we are obligated to do business with fellow Jews. Trust me when I say that the other nations put the welfare of their own first and not looking for the best deal in town. Again, there is no charge and would be my pleasure to list your service, product or business. All you have to do is ask.
Shabbat Shalom Umevorach-A peaceful and Blessed Shabbat
Yitzchak Alloul
Company Listings
Simantov Orchestra Call Uzi for all your simcha music needs!!! 416-464-2601
Once again, you can have this Parshah Preview dedicated in honour or memory of a loved one, you can ask for a refuah or simply acknowledge a milestone. It does not cost a thing all you have to do is ask. Please update me on the people who we are davening and learning for.
This week’s Parsha Preview is dedicated in memory of the Yartzheit of my Grandmother Alia Bat Yaakov.
I will be sponsoring Kiddush in memory of my Grandmothers Yartzheit and Rabbi Skobac will be speaking this Shabbat at the Kiddush. All are welcome to come!!!!! Rabbi Skobac should start around 12:15.
My dad will be reading the Torah portion once again!!!!!!!
So come and join us on Shabbat Mornings we start davening at 9:45 A.M.
The learning Minyan is located at 3683 Bathurst Street two blocks south of Wilson at Joicey and Bathurst next to Sue’s Fruit market. The Minyan takes place in The Nachal Yisroel Centre.
All are welcome Men and Women.
Join my blog @
Happy Birthday to my friends who will celebrate Birthday’s this coming week:
Happy Birthday to:
Yitzchak Gabay
Joel Kleinberg
“Ad Meyah Vesrim Shannah”
Parshah Balak - Numbers 22:2-25:9
Torah Reading for Week of June 20-26, 2010 - Tammuz 8-14 5770 Candle Lighting in Toronto 8:45 P.M.
Candle Lighting in Thornhill 8:45 P.M.
Number Of Mitzvot in Parsha Balak: 0
0 Mitzvot Aseh (Positive Commandments)
0 Mitzvot Lo Taaseh (Negative Commandments-Prohibitions)
Haftorah:(Additional portion, from Prophets, which is read after the Parsha)
Micah 5:6 - 6:8
Tuesday, June 29, is Shiva Asar B’Tamuz, 17 Tamuz, a Public Fast Day, the beginning of the Three Weeks.
Parsha Summary
Parshat Balak begins with King Balak’s offer to Bilam the Prophet to curse the Jewish people and G-d’s refusal to allow him to accept. Balak sent a second negotiating team and Bilam was given permission to go. However, G-d stipulated that Bilam could only speak the word of G-d.
Along the way the incident with the talking donkey occurred, emphasizing G-d’s instructions to that Bilam only deliver the word of G-d.
Bilam attempted his first curse and was unable to do so. Instead, the words he spoke were a blessing for the Jewish people. Bilam made his second attempt at cursing the Jews and was again unable to do so. Instead, he issued his second blessing. Billam attempted his final curse but again blessed the Jews. As he left in disgrace, Bilam told the assembled coalition of kings of their eventual destruction by the Jews. As a parting shot against the Jews, he advised them to seduce the Jewish men with Midianite women and bring G-d’s wrath down upon the nation. The Parsha concludes with the incident of Baal-Peor and Pinchas’s heroism.
Haftorah Summay- Balak
Michah 5:6 - 6:8
This week’s Haftorah is from Micha. Micha prophesized around the year 3200 during the reigns of Achaz and Chizkiah. The prophecy in this selection relates to the period prior to the war of Gog and Magog and the coming of Mashiach.
The nations of the world will have assembled against Israel, and the Jews will know that their salvation can only come from G-d. G-d’s power will be revealed to everyone and a time of peace and tranquility will envelop humanity. Armies and defenses will no longer be necessary to protect the Jews and the nation’s war machinery will be disassembled.
Micha was then commanded to chastise his generation for violating G-d’s will, despite all the goodness He had bestowed upon them.
In the final verses of the Haftorah, the prophet tells the nation that true atonement can only be attained through change and action. The ceremonious aspects of devotion, such as sacrifice and prayer, will not accomplish forgiveness. Justice, loving kindness, modesty, humility, and active change are the services that G-d desires.
The connection to our Parsha is the mention of Balak and Billam as examples of G-d?s caring and protection for the Jewish people. The story of Parshas Balak involved G-d protecting us from our enemies even when we were totally unaware of their insidious conspiracies and intentions. Prior to the coming of Mashiach, the Jews will realize that their safety is dependent upon G-d and G-d alone, just as the Jews in the desert were totally dependent upon G-d’s continuous protection and intervention.
Operation Balak
“Mah tovu ohalecha, Yaakov / mishk’notecha, Yisrael”
World cup soccer has taken Toronto by storm……Have you noticed all the flags…..Brazilian, Chilean, English, and French. Even Israeli and Canadian flags and they are not even competing. Flags displayed on vehicles, in shops and I even noticed several individuals who painted themselves with the colours of their countries.
What is it about flags that stir patriotic feeling?
Are flags a Jewish thing?
Let’s rewind to the Jews encamped in the desert. Bilaam is perched up on the mountain top, the sun is ebbing over the horizon. The hot desert wind blowing across the Jewish encampment. Billaam is caught up in his thoughts preparing to curse the children of G-d. Trying to think of words that will decimate the Jewish people. The following words trickle from his mouth “Mah tovu ohalecha, Yaakov / mishk’notecha, Yisrael”, “How fair are your tents, Yaakov / Your dwellings, Israel”; 24:5
This is the curse that was uttered on that fateful day.
What kind of curse is this? Further why would the Anshei Knesset Hagedolah some thousand years later adopt this “phrase” to open our daily teffilot?
In this weeks parsha Hashem warns Bilaam not to curse the Jewish people, in fact whatever curse is uttered will ultimately bring about blessing. So this clears up the issue of Bilaam’s attempted curse.
Why would the Anshei Knesset Hagadol knowing the context of Bilaam’s curse use it to open our daily teffilot? They could have used many different passages, keeping in mind that the still had Prophecy to guide them in the selection of teffilot.
To answer this question we need to revisit with Bilaam on that day of infamy.
Perched up on the mountaintop looking down on the Jewish encampment of Israel what is it that Bilaam saw to cause him to utter these words. Yes Hashem changed his curse to a blessing and yes Hashem caused him to utter these words, however, Bilaam was an active participant to this event.
What did Bilaam see to cause him to think these thoughts?
As Bilaam gazed upon the camp he noticed a peculiar sight. The flags outlining the different tribes flapping in the wind and the openings to the tents were facing the opposite way. So that one neighbor could not see into each others tent and provide the necessary level of modesty.
Bilaam thought to himself, these people have to be special, encamped in the desert, enemies surrounding them on all sides, the possibility of attack from the enemy imminent and these people are more concerned with modesty than protection “Mah tovu ohalecha, Yaakov / mishk’notecha, Yisrael”.
Some 5700 years later During the chaotic period of the founding of Israel in 1948, Operation Balak, was the name given to the operation that smuggled arms purchased in Europe to the Haganah , avoiding various embargoes and boycotts. Of particular note was the delivery of 23 Czechoslovakia-made Avia S-199 fighters. So you never know when words offered in a curse can come back at you. Some food for thought Helen Thomas.
This Parshah Preview is sponsored by Cars And Trucks 4 Less, Sales, Leasing and Financing. If you are in the market for a New or Used Vehicle give us a call “we will steer you in the right direction”. Please call 416-829-1461.
If you would like your company or service listed here please do not hesitate to ask. I do not take a fee for this. It is very important for us to support and promote local Jewish businesses. We spend so much time looking for the best deal possible that we lose sight of obligation to support our “brothers”. It’s forbidden to give business to others; we are obligated to do business with fellow Jews. Trust me when I say that the other nations put the welfare of their own first and not looking for the best deal in town. Again, there is no charge and would be my pleasure to list your service, product or business. All you have to do is ask.
Shabbat Shalom Umevorach-A peaceful and Blessed Shabbat
Yitzchak Alloul
Company Listings
Simantov Orchestra Call Uzi for all your simcha music needs!!! 416-464-2601
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