Sunday, May 9, 2010

Yitzi’s Parshah Preview-Behar Bechukotai

This week’s Parsha Preview is co-dedicated to the refuah of Menachem Mendel Ben Faigie Ruchel, Yocheved Bat Leah, Simcha Bat Mazel, Ofek Ben Tali, Shimon Ben Miriam, Sara Bat Hodda, Avraham Moshe Ben Miriam Tova, Baruch Kalman ben Leiben Jacobs, Kyla Chaya Bat Sarah Polson, Rav Moshe Refael Ben Chasiba Halevy, Baruch Ben Faigle, Leiba Bat Devorah Esther, Moshe Avraham Ben Chaya Freidel, Gilon Chaim ben Yonit and Tova Rochel Bat Chaya may Hashem grant them all a speedy recovery and a complete healing.

This week’s Parsha Preview is also dedicated to the memory and Yartzeit of Hana Bat Harav Ehesh Mazaltarim may the Neshama have an aliyah.

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Leviticus 25:1-27:34
Candle Lighting in Toronto 8:09 P.M.
Candle Lighting in Thornhill 8:09 P.M.

Number Of Mitzvot in Parsha Behar: 24
7 Mitzvot Aseh (Positive Commandment)
17 mitzvah Lo Taaseh (Negative Commandment - Prohibition)

Number Of Mitzvot in Parsha Bechukotai: 12
7 Mitzvot Aseh (Positive Commandment)
5 mitzvah Lo Taaseh (Negative Commandment - Prohibition)

Haftora: (Additional portion, from Prophets, which is read after the Parsha)
After Parshat Brchukotai
Yirmiyahu / Jeremiah 16:19 - 17:14

Yom Yerushalayim is Wednesday, May 12, 2010.

Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Sivan
Rosh Chodesh Friday, May 14, 2010.
The Molad for Rosh Chodesh Sivan is Thursday May 13, 2010, 4:39 P.M. and 15 Chalakim Jerusalem Time.

This week we study Chapter 5 of Pirkei Avot - "Ethics of the Fathers"

This week's double Torah portion, Behar-Bechukotai, speaks about the Shmitah and Yovel years, laws regulating commerce and the redemption of slaves. It also contains a vivid description of the rewards for observing G-d's commandments and the series of punishments that will befall us if we choose to disregard them. The Torah then discusses different types of gifts given to the Beit Hamikdash, and the animal tithe.
G-d commands Moses regarding the Sh'mitah (Sabbatical) and Yovel (Jubilee) years. Every seventh year is a Shmitah year, when it is forbidden to work the land (only in the Land of Israel). After seven sets of seven years a Yovel year is proclaimed. During Yovel years all the laws of the Shmitah year apply, and, in addition to the Shmitah laws, all slaves are set free and all lands revert to their original owners. We are commanded to conduct business ethically. Since all land reverts to their original owners during the Yovel year, the amount of years remaining until the next Yovel year must be taken into account whenever a real-estate sale is conducted, and the price should be set accordingly. The end of this aliyah enjoins us not to verbally harass or intentionally mislead our fellow man.

The Torah reading addresses an obvious concern: "What will we eat in the seventh year if we do not sow our gather our grain?!" G-d reassures us that He will bless the sixth year's harvest, and it will produce enough to provide for three years! The Torah then gives the rationale for the prohibition against selling land for perpetuity (instead, land can only be "leased" until the Yovel year) -- "Because the Land belongs to Me; you are strangers and residents with Me." The seller of land, or his relative on his behalf, has the option of "redeeming" the land from the purchaser -- provided that two years have past from the date of purchase.

The laws mentioned above apply to fields and homes in un-walled cities. Homes in walled cities, on the other hand, may only be redeemed up to one year after the sale; otherwise they become the permanent property of the buyer. Another exception to these rules is the property allotted to the Leviim, which are always redeemable. We are commanded to assist our brothers by coming to their aid before they become financially ruined and dependent on the help of others. We are also forbidden from charging interest on a loan to a fellow Jew.

We are commanded to treat Jewish slaves respectfully, never subjecting them to demeaning labor. The Torah prescribes the redemption process for a Jew sold into slavery to a non-Jewish master. Either the slave himself or one of his relatives refunds to the master the amount of money for the years remaining until the Yovel -- when the slave will go free even if he were not to be "redeemed." Brief mention is made of the prohibition against idolatry, and the requirement that we observe the Shabbat and revere the Holy Sanctuary. We are promised incredible blessing if we diligently study Torah and observe the mitzvot. The blessings include plentiful food, timely rain, security, peace in the land, the elimination of wild animals from the land, and incredible military success.

And more blessings: An overabundance of crops and G-d's presence will be revealed in our midst. This section then describes the severe, terrifying punishments which will befall us if we reject G-d's mitzvot. The punishments include disease, famine, enemy occupation of the land, exile, and desolation of the land. The non-observance of the Shmitah year is singled out as the reason for the desolation of the land. G-d's promises never to utterly forsake us even when we are exiled in the lands of our enemies.

The Torah reading discusses various endowments and donations pledged to the Beit Hamikdash coffers. A person can pledge the worth of an individual, in which case the Torah prescribes how much the person must pay -- depending on the gender and age of the individual who is being "assessed." An animal which is pledged to the Beit Hamikdash must be offered on the altar if it is fit for sacrifice -- otherwise it must be "redeemed" for its value. If the owner chooses to redeem it, he must add one fifth of its value to the redemption price. The same rule applies to a house which is pledged to the Beit Hamikdash.

The parsha continues by discussing the endowment of land to the Beit Hamikdash. If it is land which was part of the family lot (given to his ancestors when Israel was divided amongst the Tribes), and the owner chooses not to redeem it, it may be redeemed by any other individual. In this event, the land becomes the property of the Kohanim during the next Yovel year. Land which was purchased and then consecrated by the buyer can also be redeemed, but it reverts to its original owner when the Yovel arrives. All firstborn livestock are sacrificed in the Beit Hamikdash. A person also has the option of dedicating and consecrating any of his belongings specifically for the use of the Kohanim. The "Second Tithe," which must be consumed by its owners in Jerusalem, is briefly mentioned. Also discussed is the animal tithe -- every tenth animal is offered as a sacrifice, and the meat consumed by its owners.

With this we conclude the Book of Vayikra. Chazak Chazak Vnitchazek

If you need a place for Shabbat Meals or you would like to experience a more traditional Shabbat experience please do not hesitate to call. 416-829-1761.

Shabbat Shalom Umevorach-A peaceful and Blessed Shabbat
Yitzchak Alloul

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