Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Yitzi’s Parshah Preview- Yitro

This week’s Parsha Preview is co-dedicated to the refuah of Menachem Mendel Ben Faigie Ruchel, Yocheved Bat Leah, Simcha Bat Mazel, Ofek Ben Tali, Shimon Ben Miriam, Sara Bat Hodda, Avraham Moshe Ben Miriam Tova, Baruch Kalman ben Leiben Jacobs and Kyla Chaya Bat Sarah Polson may Hashem grant them all a speedy recovery and a complete healing.

Once again, you can have this Parshah Preview dedicated in honour or memory of a loved one, you can ask for a refuah or simply acknowledge a milestone. It does not cost a thing all you have to do is ask.

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Happy Birthday to my friends who will celebrate Birthday’s this coming week:

Happy Birthday to:

Pesach Wolicki

Reuben Osiel

“Ad Meyah Vesrim Shannah”


Exodus 18:1-20:23

Candle Lighting in Toronto 5:16 P.M.

Candle Lighting in Thornhill 5:16 P.M.

Main characters of this week’s Parsha




Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, learns of the vast miracles which G-d performed for the people of Israel, and comes from Midian to the Israelite camp, bringing with him Moses' wife and two sons. Jethro counsels Moses to appoint a chain of command of magistrates and judges to assist him in the task of leading and managing justice to the people.

The Children of Israel camp opposite Mount Sinai, where they are told that G-d has chosen them to be His "kingdom of priests" and "holy nation." The people respond by proclaiming, "All that G-d has spoken, we shall do."

On the sixth day of the third month (Sivan), seven weeks after the Exodus, the entire nation of Israel assembles at the foot of Mount Sinai. G-d comes down on the mountain amidst thunder, lightning, billows of smoke and the blast of the shofar, and summons Moses to ascend.

G-d proclaims the Ten Commandments, commanding the people of Israel to believe in G-d, not to worship idols or take G-d's name in vain, to keep the Shabbat, honor their parents, and not to murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness or covet another's property. The people cry out to Moses that the revelation is too intense for them to bear, begging him to receive the Torah from G-d and convey it to them.

Number of Mitzvot in this week’s Parsha: 17

(14 of 17 are within the Aseret HaDibrot)

3 Mitzvot Aseh (Positive Comandment)

14 Mitzvot Lo Taaseh (Negative Commandment – Prohibition )

These are the mitzvot listed in the Torah in chronological order

1. 25th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:2

You shall know that HaShem is G-d,

2. 26th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:3

You shall not have the gods of others in My presence.

3. 27th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:4

You shall not make for yourself a graven image or any likeness which is in the heavens above, which is on the earth below, or which is in the water beneath the earth.

4. 28th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:5

You shall neither prostrate yourself before them

5. 29th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:5

Nor worship them

6. 30th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:7

You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.

7. 31st Mitzvah. Exodus 20:8

Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it.

8. 32nd Mitzvah. Exodus 20:10

You shall perform no labor, neither you, your son, your daughter, your manservant, your maidservant, your beast, nor your stranger who is in your cities.

9. 33rd Mitzvah. Exodus 20:12

Honor your father and your mother.

10. 34th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:13

You shall not murder.

11. 35th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:13

You shall not commit adultery.

12. 36th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:13

You shall not steal

13. 37th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:13

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

14. 38th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:14

You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, his manservant, his maidservant, his ox, his donkey, or whatever belongs to your neighbor.

15. 39th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:20

You shall not make [images of anything that is] with Me. Gods of silver or gods of gold you shall not make for yourselves.

16. 40th Mitzvah. Exodus 20:22

And when you make for Me an altar of stones, you shall not build them of hewn stones, lest you wield your sword upon it and desecrate it.

17. 41st Mitzvah. Exodus 20:23

And you shall not ascend with steps upon My altar, so that your nakedness shall not be exposed upon it.

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Shabbat Shalom Umevorach-A peaceful and Blessed Shabbat

Yitzchak Alloul

This Parshah Preview is sponsored by Cars And Trucks 4 Less, Sales, Leasing and Financing. If you are in market for a New or Used Vehicle give us a call “we will steer you in the right direction”. Please call 416-829-1461.

Singles event this Sunday February 7, 2010 please check link for more info:!/event.php?eid=277809977914

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