Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yitzi's Parsha Preview

Please note that Yitzi’s Parsha Preview will be on hiatus and will return with powerful insight for Parshat Tazria Metzorah. April 16, 2010

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my family, friends and loyal readers a Chag Pesach Kasher Vesamayach. A happy and Kosher Passover

Join my blog @ or

Yitzchak Alloul

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vayakel Pekedei and Parshat Hachodesh

This week’s Parsha Preview is co-dedicated to the refuah of Menachem Mendel Ben Faigie Ruchel, Yocheved Bat Leah, Simcha Bat Mazel, Ofek Ben Tali, Shimon Ben Miriam, Sara Bat Hodda, Avraham Moshe Ben Miriam Tova, Baruch Kalman ben Leiben Jacobs, Yisrael Ben Sara, Kyla Chaya Bat Sarah Polson and Rav Moshe Refael Ben Chasiba Halevy may Hashem grant them all a speedy recovery and a complete healing.

This weeks Parshah preview is dedicated in memory of the Yartzeit of my Maternal Grandfather
Avraham Ben Yosef.

Once again, you can have this Parshah Preview dedicated in honour or memory of a loved one, you can ask for a refuah or simply acknowledge a milestone. It does not cost a thing all you have to do is ask. Please update me on the people who we are davening and learning for.

Join my blog @ or
Happy Birthday to my friends who will celebrate Birthday’s this coming week:
Happy Birthday to:
Charlie Abeziz
Alexandre Alloul
Meir Bienenstock
“Ad Meyah Vesrim Shannah”

Vayak'hel-Pekudei & Hachodesh
Exodus 35:1-40:38 & 12:1-20
Candle Lighting in Toronto 6:02 P.M.
Candle Lighting in Thornhill 6:02 P.M.

Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Nisan
Rosh Chodesh - Tuesday March 16, 2010
The Molad for Rosh Chodesh Nissan is Monday March 15, 2010, 3:11 P.M. and 13 Chalakim Jerusalem Time.

******Turn clock forward one hour Saturday at Midnight***********

Number Of Mitzvot: 1
0 Mitzvot Aseh (Positive Commandment)
1 mitzvah Lo Taaseh (Negative Commandment - Prohibition)

This year, (5770 / 2010)Vayakel-Pekudei is a special Shabbat.
It is Shabbat Parshat HaChodesh :

The Shabbat preceding Rosh Chodesh Nisan, (or when Rosh Chodesh Nisan falls on Shabbat, the Shabbat of Rosh Chodesh Nisan,) is called Shabbat HaChodesh. The Maftir, from Shmot / Exodus, Parshat Bo, (12:1-20), starts with the first Mitzva given to the Bnei Yisroel, while they were still in Mitzrayim, even before the Mitzvot of the Yom Tov Pesach (Passover festival) - the Mitzva of Kiddush Hachodesh (the sanctification of the new moon). The reading begins with the declaration that the Hebrew month of Nisan, and not Tishrei, is to be considered the first month of the year. The passage then continues with some of the mitzvot of Pesach / Passover, which are certainly appropriate to be read and studied as the holiday approaches.

Haftora: (Additional portion, from Prophets, which is read after the Parsha)
Yechezkel / Ezekiel 45:16-46:18 (Ashkenazim);
Yechezkel / Ezekiel 45:18-46:15 (Sepharadim)
Some Sephardic communities begin the Haftora with 45:16.

Main characters of this week’s Parshah

Moses assembles the people of Israel and reiterates to them the commandment to observe the Shabbat. He then conveys G-d's instructions regarding the making of the Mishkan (Tabernacle). The people donate the required materials in abundance, bringing gold, silver, copper, blue, purple and red-dyed wool, goat hair, spun linen, animal skins, wood, olive oil, herbs and precious stones. Moses has to tell them to stop giving.

A team of wise-hearted artisans make the Mishkan and its furnishings (as detailed in the previous Torah readings of Terumah, Tetzaveh and Ki Tisa): three layers of roof coverings; 48 gold-plated wall panels, and 100 silver foundation sockets; the Parochet (Veil) that separates between the Sanctuary's two chambers and the Masach (Screen) that fronts it; the Ark and its cover with the Cherubim; the Table and its Showbread; the seven-branched Menorah with its specially-prepared oil; and the Golden Altar and the incense burned on it; the Anointing Oil; the outdoor Altar for Burnt Offerings and all its implements; the hangings, posts and foundation sockets for the Courtyard; and the Basin and its pedestal, made out of copper mirrors .

An accounting is made of the gold, silver and copper donated by the people for the making of the Mishkan. Betzalel, Ahaliav and their assistants make the Eight Priestly Garments -- the Efod, Breastplate, Cloak, Crown, Turban, Tunic, Sash and Breeches -- according to the specifications communicated to Moses in the Parshah of Tetzaveh.

The Mishkan is completed and all its components are brought to Moses, who erects it and anoints it with the holy Anointing Oil, and initiates Aaron and his four sons into the priesthood. A cloud appears over the Mishkan, signifying the Divine Presence that has come to dwell within it.

“Make Your way known to me”. (Shemot 33:13)

When the Talmud states: There is no mazel for a Jew, it means that, even though physical life is indeed governed by the constellations - as messengers of G-d, a Jew can rise above his destiny. Alternatively, the gentile world is governed by something called Hashgachah Klallit (General Providence), a Jew's life, by virtue of his acceptance and adherence to Torah, is governed by something called Hashgachah Pratit (personalized Divine Providence):

Regarding that which is written (Shabbat 156a), that there is no mazel for a Jew, it means that mazel is not the deciding factor, because each Jew personally lives according to His Providence and specific guidance,. (Sha'arei Leshem, p. 62)

In other words, yes, there is a mazel for a Jew; there is a mazel for every human being. However, a Jew possesses the ability to alter his destiny, or perhaps more accurately, go above his destiny, as the following explains:

. . . Even if the mazel is for bad to happen, it can be changed for good . .

The obvious question is, how? To be able to consciously affect one's mazel suggests that one must have a tremendous amount of control over one's personal life. However, before one can understand how to affect one's mazel, one must understand what mazel is, and why it makes such a difference to one's life. Therefore, it says:

A mazel has been established for each person regarding his life and sustenance, from the time he was born until the end of his life. Each person's [mazel] is different from another [person's mazel]. All of it is based upon G-d's HIDDEN guidance, a function of Kavshei d'Rachmana (Mysteries of the Merciful One), which is not revealed to any living being. It is the basis of why good or bad can occur for a righteous person, which Moshe Rabbeinu asked to understand when he said, "Make Your way known to me" (Shemot 33:13). According Rebi Meir, his request was not fulfilled, for G-d answered him, "I will be gracious to whom I will show favor, and I will be merciful to whom I will be merciful" (Brachot 7a). (Ibid.)

In other words, G-d was telling Moshe Rabbeinu, even if a person appears in man's eyes not to be worthy of it, G-d may still show him favor - because of his mazel. G-d's picture and decision about a person include much more than what the person is doing at that given moment in time.

Thus, why is one person's mazel to become wealthy, and another person's to become poor, even though he worked harder than the man who was financially successful? We don't know. However, G-d does know, and it is all part of a remarkable equation and puzzle called "G-d's Master Plan," or, "Kavshei d'Rachmana" in Talmudic terms:

The mazalot in the heavens have been established by G-d, and determine all that will happen to a person down below, and all the levels of Domaim, Tzomayach, Chiyah, and Medabehr . . . (Ibid.) That is, the Mineral World, the Vegetable World, the Animal World, and the World of Man. All of these are controlled by a particular mazel, as the Midrash states:

There isn't a blade of grass below that does not have a mazel in Heaven "hitting" it, telling it, "Grow!" (Bereishit Rabbah 10:6)

Therefore, all that happens to them, and through them, is a function of the same cause-and-effect relationship imbedded in the mazalot, even though, unlike man, they have no free-will. There is no randomness in Creation. Therefore, no matter what we perceive or how we perceive it, if it exists, it does so as a function of G-d's CONSCIOUS will. He may have created "agents" to carry out that consciousness will, but it is still the result of His will.

Thus, Creation is, if you will, the largest interactive "game" ever to have been masterminded. And, not only is it the largest game, but it is the most perfect as well. For, whereas human interactive games can only account for so many causes and designs with only so many effects for them, that Creation has taken into account every possible cause mankind will create, and has designed the perfect effect for each of them. This is in order to guarantee that the objective of Creation is achieved precisely in the manner the Creator has intended, and while at the same time, allowing us too use our free-will choices to join with G-d in bringing ourselves and Creation to fulfillment.

Chazak Chazah Vnitchazek!!!!

If you need a place for Shabbat Meals or you would like to experience a more traditional Shabbat experience please do not hesitate to call. 416-829-1761.

Shabbat Shalom Umevorach-A peaceful and Blessed Shabbat
Yitzchak Alloul

This Parshah Preview is sponsored by Cars And Trucks 4 Less, Sales, Leasing and Financing. If you are in the market for a New or Used Vehicle give us a call “we will steer you in the right direction”. Please call 416-829-1461.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Yitzi's Parshah Preview-Ki Tisa Parshat Parah

This week’s Parsha Preview is co-dedicated to the refuah of Menachem Mendel Ben Faigie Ruchel, Yocheved Bat Leah, Simcha Bat Mazel, Ofek Ben Tali, Shimon Ben Miriam, Sara Bat Hodda, Avraham Moshe Ben Miriam Tova, Baruch Kalman ben Leiben Jacobs, Yisrael Ben Sara and Kyla Chaya Bat Sarah Polson may Hashem grant them all a speedy recovery and a complete healing.

***** Please daven and say a Mesheberach in your shuls on shabbat for Rav Moshe Refael Ben Chasiba Halevy (Rav Levy is the Rav of Nachal Yisrael) he is recovering from quadruple bypass surgery. We wish him a speedy and complete recovery.

Once again, you can have this Parshah Preview dedicated in honour or memory of a loved one, you can ask for a refuah or simply acknowledge a milestone. It does not cost a thing all you have to do is ask. Please update me on the people who we are davening and learning for.

Join my blog @ or

Happy Birthday to my friends who will celebrate Birthday’s this coming week:
Happy Birthday to:
Cynthia Pechenick
Jay Sobel
Mira Cabessa
Nessim Yves Ohayon
Daniel Elcabas
“Ad Meyah Vesrim Shannah”

Ki Tis-Parshat Parah
Exodus 30:11-34
Candle Lighting in Toronto 5:53 P.M.
Candle Lighting in Thornhill 5:53 P.M.

Number of Mitzvot: 9
4 Mitzvot Aseh (Positive Commandment)
5 Mitzvot Lo Taaseh (Negative Commandment - Prohibition)

This year, (5770/ 2010)Ki Tisa is a special Shabbat.
It is Shabbat Parshat Parah:

The Shabbat immediately following Purim is called Shabbat Parshat Parah. The Maftir, from Bamidbar, Parshat Chukat, (19:1-22), describes the preparation of the Parah Adumah (Red Heifer), whose ashes were used in the spiritual purification process during the time of the Bait Hamikdash. This purification was carried out at this time of the year to ensure that everyone would be able to partake in the Korban Pesach (Pascal Lamb) to be offered on the 14th day of Nisan.

Haftora: (Additional portion, from Prophets, which is read after the Parsha)

Yechezkel / Ezekiel 36:16-38 (Ashkenazim);
Yechezkel / Ezekiel 36:16-36 (Sepharadim)

Main characters of this week’s Parsha

G-d commands Moses to take a census of the Jewish adult male population by collecting an atonement offering of half a silver shekel from each individual. The collected silver was melted down, and was made into sockets for the beams of the Tabernacle. G-d instructs Moses to make a copper washstand for the Tabernacle. The priests would use this laver to wash their hands and feet before their service. G-d tells Moses the recipe for making holy "anointing oil." This oil, which was prepared with various aromatic herbs and fine spices, was used to anoint and sanctify the Tabernacle, its vessels, and Aaron and his sons. The remainder of the oil was put aside, and was used to anoint kings and high priests of future generations. G-d also gives Moses the formula for the incense which was offered twice-daily in the Tabernacle. The duplication of the anointing oil or incense for personal use is prohibited. G-d imbues Bezalel with wisdom, and appoints him to be the chief craftsman of the Tabernacle and its contents. G-d appoints Oholiab as his assistant. The Jewish people are commanded once again to observe the Shabbat, the eternal sign between Him and the Children of Israel.

After G-d revealed Himself to the entire nation at Mount Sinai and told them the Ten Commandments, Moses ascended the mountain where he remained for forty days. There he was to study the Torah and receive the Tablets. The Jews miscalculate when Moses is supposed to return, and when he doesn't appear on the day when they anticipate him, they grow impatient and demand of Aaron to make for them a new god. Aaron cooperates, all along intending to postpone and buy time until Moses' return, but despite his efforts, a Golden Calf emerges from the flames. The festivities and sacrifices start early next morning. Moses pleads with an incensed G-d to forgive the Jews' sin. G-d acquiesces and relents from His plan to annihilate the Jews. Moses comes down with the Tablets, sees the idolatrous revelry, and breaks the Tablets. Moses enlists the Tribe of Levi to punish the primary offenders. 3000 idol worshippers are executed on that day. Moses ascends Mount Sinai again, in an attempt to gain complete atonement for the sin. G-d tells Moses to lead the Jews towards the Promised Land, but insists that He won't be leading them personally; instead an angel will be dispatched to lead them. Seeing G-d's displeasure with the Jews, Moses takes his own tent and pitches it outside the Israelite encampment. This tent becomes the center of study and spirituality until the Tabernacle is inaugurated.

Moses asks G-d to reconsider the matter of the angel leading them. G-d reconsiders, and agrees to lead them Himself again. Moses then requests that G-d's presence never manifest itself on any other nation other than the Jews.

G-d's agrees to Moses request that His presence only dwell amongst the Jews. Moses requests to be shown G-d's glory. G-d agrees, but informs Moses that he will only be shown G-d's "back," not G-d's "face."

G-d tells Moses to carve new tablets upon which G-d will engrave the Ten Commandments. Moses takes the new tablets up to Mt. Sinai, where G-d reveals His glory to Moses while proclaiming His Thirteen Attributes of Mercy.

G-d seals a covenant with Moses, assuring him again that His presence will only dwell with the Jews. G-d informs the Jewish people that He will drive the Canaanites from before them. He instructs them to destroy all vestiges of idolatry from the land, and to refrain from making any covenants with its current inhabitants. The Jews are then commanded not to make molten gods, to observe the three festivals, not to eat chametz on Passover, to sanctify male firstborn humans and cattle, and not to cook meat together with milk.

Moses descends Mount Sinai with the second tablets, and unbeknownst to him beams of light were projecting off his face. Aaron and the people are originally afraid of him. Moses teaches the people the Torah he studied on the mountain. Moses wears a veil on his face from that time on, but removes it when speaking to G-d and when repeating G-d's words to the people.

Parshat Parah
"This is the decree of the Torah, which Hashem has commanded, saying: Speak to the Children of Israel, and they shall take to you a completely red cow, which is without blemish, and upon which a yoke has not come." (BaMidbar 19:2)

This is an example of Law of the Torah which is considered completely above human comprehension. The paradox is that those who are involved in the preparation of the ashes of the cow become ritually impure, while the sprinkling of water with those ashes is used to remove contamination! It is an example of a Law which must be accepted on faith alone.

On the Shabbat after Purim, two Torah Scrolls are removed from the Ark. The Sidrah of the week is read from the first, and from the second, the chapter of Parah Adumah, the Red Cow (or Red Heifer), is read. It gives the procedure through which people can purify themselves from the contamination caused by a human corpse.

The reading of this chapter was instituted for this time of the year because Jews were required to purify themselves before coming to Jerusalem for the pilgrimage festival of Passover.

The Haftarah read on the Sabbath of Parashat Parah contains the verse, "And I shall sprinkle pure water upon you, that you be cleansed. From all your contamination and from all your filth I will cleanse you" (Ezekiel 36:25). There are other parallels in the Haftarah between the concepts of sin represented by contamination, and atonement represented by purity.

This idea is discussed in the commentary to the ArtScroll Ezekiel (pp.534-5), as follows: Freedom of will in moral matters is the first and irreplaceable condition for living one's life on the higher plane demanded by the Torah. Belief in man's freedom of action, however, is endangered by the fact that man cannot avoid death and that he is subject to the superficial limitations imposed by the forces of nature.

This belief is particularly shaken by the sight of a dead human being. If the whole human being has succumbed to death, been overpowered by physical forces - If man, like all other organic beings, cannot escape the spell of an overpowering force - then there is no room for the moral "you shall" next to the physical "you must." Moral freedom of will would then be an illusion, and the Divine law of morality with its demand for total free-willed devotion to the illuminating, purifying fire of its sanctuary would be incomprehensible. (R'Hirsch, Numbers 19:22)

Thus, sin is related not only to death, but also to contamination, which is closely associated with death. Because the sinner is shackled by his desires, he loses spiritual control of actions. He is swept along by the physical lusts that have overpowered his spiritual self. Thus, the most meaningful part of life, the spiritual, has been killed. For this reason, when G-d forgives man's sin and grants him a new heart and a new spirit, He is imbuing him with purity, the state of mind in which man is the sole master of his actions.

A living (and therefore a pure) person uses his body as he wills; it is his tool to use as he sees fit. The regenerate sinner, upon returning to the state of purity, joins once more the state of the living - and the free. (Chazon HaMikra)

If you need a place for Shabbat Meals or you would like to experience a more traditional Shabbat experience please do not hesitate to call. 416-829-1761.

Shabbat Shalom Umevorach-A peaceful and Blessed Shabbat
Yitzchak Alloul

This Parshah Preview is sponsored by Cars And Trucks 4 Less, Sales, Leasing and Financing. If you are in the market for a New or Used Vehicle give us a call “we will steer you in the right direction”. Please call 416-829-1461.

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